Author index, A–E

Author index, A–E

Indice des auteurs, A–E

This section contains a combined complete table of contents, listed by author, from the first issue of Živa Antika to the present day.

Cette section contient une table des matières combinée et complète, arrangée par auteur, du premier numéro de l’Antiquité Vivante à nos jours.

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Adamik, Tamás

Babnis, Tomasz

Iranian Themes in the Poetry of Claudian, 71.1-2 (2021), 109–124

Basler, Đuro

Belogiannis, Orestis

Benedik, Martin

Bernardi Perini, Giorgio

Gellio 1, 2, 1 Saepen<umero>[s], 22.1-2 (1972), 131–133

Il lupo e l’agnello: una questione di stile, 45.1-2 (1995), 45–52

Beševliev, Veselin

Bitrakova-Grozdanova, Vera

Три епиграфски прилози од Охрид [Trois monuments épigrafiques d’Ohrid], 20.1-2 (1970), 159–165

За ковницата на Лихнид [Sur le monnayage de Lychnidos], 23.2 (1973), 295–301

Египетски култови во Македонија [Des cultes égyptiens en Macédoine], 28.1-2 (1978), 331–339

Антички култни споменици во Охридскиот регион [Les monuments de culte antiques dans la région d’Ohrid], 31.1-2 (1981), 199–213

Le Dionysos Tauros de Skopje, 35.1-2 (1985), 117–122

[review] ΣΤΕΛΛΑ ΔΡΟΥΓΟΥ – ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΤΟΥΡΑΤΣΟΓΛΟΥ. Ελληνιστικοι λαξευτοι ταφοι Βεροιας, Αθηναι, 1980 Δημοσιευμα του Αρxαιολογικου Δελτιου ΑΡ. 28; 208 стр. текст, 9 плана со резиме на англиски и грчки јазик Hellenistic Rock Cut Chamber Tombs аt Veria; Hellenistiche Fels–Kammergraber in Veroia, 35.1-2 (1985), 164–165

Ликовните претстави на Кибела од Варош и нејзиниот култ во Македонијa [Les images de Cybele de Varoš et son culte en Macedoine], Special Issue 9 (1991), 162–168

Prilog o religiji i umjetnosti u Peoniji, 41-2.1-2 (1992), 67–77

Дује Рендиќ Миочевиќ (1916–1993), 43.1-2 (1993), 157–162

Материјалните докази и миграциите во охридско-преспанскиот регион во антиката, 45.1-2 (1995), 53–60

Lychnidos dans la haute antiquité, 47.1-2 (1997), 19–28 (w/ P. Kuzman)

Охридско-преспанскиот регион во раната Антика, 50.1-2 (2000), 19–29

Прилог за култот кон ΖΕΥΣ ΥΨΙΣΤΟΣ во Македонија, 56.1-2 (2006), 73–80

Маргарита Тачева (1936–2008), 59.1-2 (2009), 79–83

За култот на божицата Атена во Горна Македонија, Special Issue 10 (2012), 51–65

[review] DUJE RENDIĆ-MIOČEVIĆ, Dalmatia Christiana, Opera Omnia. Priredio i predgovor napisao Nenad Cambi, Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu, Kniževni krug Split, Zagreb-Split 2011, 487 страни, 62.1-2 (2012), 216–219

Blawatskaya, Tatyana

Blawatsky, Wladimir

Les Doriens aux XIVe et XIIIe ss. av. n. è., 25.1-2 (1975), 362–365

Bogdan, Tomislav

Bojanovski, Ivo

Borovsky, Yvonne

Caecilius Ticidas and Metella in Catullus’ poem XXXV?, 52.1-2 (2002), 109–114 (w/ K. T. Witczak)

Borzsák, István

Persicos odi, puer, apparatus, 25.1-2 (1975), 76–87

Bousquet, Jean

Braica, Ivan

Breznik, Melita

Franc Gnjezda (1880-1969), 19.2 (1969), 295–296

Brice, William C.

A Revised Classification of the Cretan Scripts, Special Issue 7 (1989), 5–7

Brukner, Olga

Budimir, Milan

Živa Antika, 1.1 (1951), 3–5

Particulae Pelasticae, 1.1 (1951), 68–77

Antika i Pelasti [Antiquitas et Pelastae], 1.1 (1951), 68–77

Particulae Pelasticae II, 1.2 (1951), 222–244

Particulae Pelasticae III, 2.2 (1952), 184–204

Шездесет година рада академика М. М. Васића, 3.1-2 (1953), 3–4

ΑΘΗΝΗ H KAI ΤΡΙΤΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ [ΑΘΗΝΗ quae et Tritogenia], 3.1-2 (1953), 5–20

Be/o-denkos “fundo carens, ἄ-βυσσος”, 4.1 (1954), 3–14

Kouretes Kyrbantes Korybantes Orthokorybantioi, 5.2 (1955), 217–226

Petar Skok (1881–1956), 5.2 (1955), 407

Lat. ascia, 6.2 (1956), 239–241

Die Sprache als Schöpfung und Entwicklung, 7.2 (1957), 217–224

De Iliade quadam Phrygia, 8.2 (1958), 227–235

Quadratum magicum retractatur, 8.2 (1958), 301–304

Zeus Labraundos, Labrus, Laburinthos, 9.1-2 (1959), 85–96

[review] ФЛАШАР МИРОН, Aнтичко наслеђе у песмама Његошевим, 9.1-2 (1959), 313–316

Berichtigung, 10.1-2 (1960), 6

Die Kerberier in der Odyssee und im attischen Drama, 10.1-2 (1960), 17–39

De Macedonum nominis vi atque origine, 16.1-2 (1966), 176–180

Maecenas atavis edite regibus, 17.1-2 (1967), 15–16

Ἀπάτουρος ≤ Ὀπατροϝορος, 19.2 (1969), 173

Dvadeset godina Žive Antike, 20.1-2 (1970), 3–4

Hom. (ἐν) νυκτὸς ἀμολγῷ – Hes. βλαγίς· κηλίς. Λάκονες, 21.1 (1971), 43–44

Σοφός ∞ τῦφος (*dheubh-/*dhubh-), 22.1-2 (1972), 60

Burns, John

Butterfield, David

Candido, Maria Regina

Capuder, Andrej

Cardascia, Guillaume

Cermanović (-Kuzmanović), Aleksandra

Значење и објашњење једног типа фигура у Винчиној пластици [Bedeutung und Erklärung eines Figuren-typus in der Plastik von Vinča], 4.2 (1954), 369–372

Магиски crepitaculum и други инструменти [Das magische Crepitaculum und andere Instrumente], 5.1 (1955), 153–155

[review] J. D. BEAZLY, Etruscan Vase-Painting, 1947, 6.1 (1956), 185–186

[review] H. METZGER, La céramique grecque, Presse Universitaires de France, Coll. Que sais-je? 1953, 6.1 (1956), 186–187

[review] VICTOR MAGNIEN, Les mystères d’Eleusis (Leurs origines; le rituel de leurs initiations), 1950, Paris, Payot, 6.1 (1956), 187

Златне „сандале“ из Требеништа и њихово симболично значење [La signification symbolique des sandales d’or de Trebenište], 6.2 (1956), 307–313

Opuscula ethnographica, 7.1 (1957), 137–141

Zur Deutung der Funde von Etzeldorf-Buch bei Nürnberg, 8.1 (1958), 129–135

[review] E. SPROCKHOFF, Nordische Bronzezeit und frühes Griechentum – чланак у Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz, 1953 година, стр. 28 , 8.2 (1958), 365–367

Die vorgeschichtlichen Opferkörbe und ihre Parallelen in Griechenland, 9.1-2 (1959), 247–251

Ein römischer Sarkophag mit der Darstellung von Einheimischen, 15.1 (1965), 79–84

Einige spätrömische Glasformen aus Doclea, 17.1-2 (1967), 247–252

Ситни налази из Доклеје [Kleinfunde aus Doclea], 18.2 (1968), 279–294

Облици и хронологија римског стакленог материјала из некрополе муниципиума Ѕ. [Formen und Chronologie des Glasmaterials des Nekropolen des Municipiums S.], 21.1 (1971), 287–302

Римско-илирска пластика у Коминима [Die römisch-ilyrische Skulptur aus Komini], 28.1-2 (1978), 325–330

Vorrömische Elemente in der Kultur des Municipiums S. im Dorfe Komini, 30.1-2 (1980), 227–232

Римска скулптура y Србији [Römische Skulptur aus Serbien], Special Issue 9 (1991), 222–226

Chadwick, John

A Linear B Inscription from Thebes, 8.2 (1958), 237–239

Cicero ad Fam. 9. 22, 44.1-2 (1994), 123–124

Chamoux, François

Cifrek, Maja

Dva utješna pisma Antuna Vrančića (1504.–1573.), 71.1-2 (2021), 147–170 (w/ D. Sorić)

Cosmopoulos, Alexander

Cremona, Maria Vittoria

Hom. γερήνιος, 29.2 (1979), 203–208

Crepajac, Ljiljana Stanojević

О античкој естетици и науци о књижевности Анице Савић Ребац, 4.2 (1954), 380–387

Библиографија класичне књижевности у Летопису Матице Српске од 1825–1941, 5.1 (1955), 197–211

Поводом дешифровања критско-микенских натписа [Zur Entzifferung der kretisch-mykenischen Inschriften], 6.1 (1956), 172–178

Grč.  ἔλεος ‘sažaljenje, milosrđe’, ἵλαος ‘milostiv, naklonjen’, 18.2 (1968), 217–221

ἐλλόν· ἀγαϑόν, etc. Hesych., 21.1 (1971), 151–154

Осамдесет година живота проф. Милана Будимира, 21.2 (1971), 349–352

Лексичка група σαυκόν· ξηρόν. HES. σαχνός „сух, нежан“, σαυχμός „id.” итд., 21.2 (1971), 365–369

Лат. pio, грч. τί(ν)ω, српскохр. кајати [Lat. pio, griech. τί(ν)ω, serbokroat. kajati], 23.2 (1973), 252–260

XIII Međunarodni kongres Komiteta “ЕIRENE”, 24.1-2 (1974), 292–294

Ein Beitrag zu den semasiologischen Untersuchungen des Begriffes “denken, überlegen” in den klassischen Sprachen, 25.1-2 (1975), 27–30

Милан Будимир (2. XI 1891–17. X 1975), 26.1 (1976), 7–10

Prilog proučavanju grčkih semantičkih pozajmljenica i prevedenica u srpkohrvatskom [Beitrag zur Untersuchung der griechischen Lehnbildungen und Lehnbedeutungen im Serbokroatischen], 28.1-2 (1978), 75–84

Značaj grčkih prevedenica i semantičkih pozajmljenica za obrazovanje evropske kuturne leksike [Die Bedeutung der Griechischen Lehnbedeuttungen für die bildung des Europäschen Kulturwortschatzes], 30.1-2 (1980), 87–93

Prilog proučavanju grčkih modela latinske leksike [Beiträge zur Untersuchung der griechischen Modelle des lateinischen Wortschatzes], 31.1-2 (1981), 97–107

Istraživanja o leksičkoj grupi ΚΑΛΟΣ „lep“ [Untersuchungen über die Wortsippe ΚΑΛΟΣ „Schoen“], 34.1-2 (1984), 33–41

In memoriam Hjalmar Frisk, 35.1-2 (1985), 131–132

Csillág, Pál

Čajkanović, Veselin

America temporibus Romanis an notuerit, 9.1-2 (1959), 155–161

Dalfen, Joachim

Danka, Ignatius R.

De Pelasgis – Graecia, 55.1-2 (2005), 131–148

Daux, Georges

Η ΣΤΕΦΑΝΩ, 26.1 (1976), 45–47

David, Amirthanayagam

De Fidio, Pia

Razioni alimentari e tenori di vita nel mondo miceneo, Special Issue 7 (1989), 9–38

Max Weber on Bronze Age Societies, 50.1-2 (2000), 73–93

De Paiva Gomes, José Roberto

Devenuto, Domenico

Lucr. 4, 544–48, 20.1-2 (1970), 79–81

Dragojlović, Dragoljub

Dressler, Wolfgang

Duerbeck, Helmut

Die Erfindung der Ilias, 35.1-2 (1985), 21–28

Duev, Ratko

*tu–qa–no? – τύμπανον, 52.1-2 (2002), 137–141

[review] J. G. YOUNGER: Music in the Aegean Bronze Age, (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature, Pocket–Book 144) Paul Astroms Forlag, Jonsered (Sweden), 1998. pp. 109, 21 cm, 52.1-2 (2002), 252–255

Авлоси (au-ro? – αὐλοί) во микенскиот свет?, 53.1-2 (2003), 15–22

[review] J.-M. RENAUD: Le mythe d’Orion. Sa signification, sa place parmi les autres mythes grecs et son apport à la connaissance de la mentalité antique (préface de Paul Wathelet). C.I.P.L. Liège 2004, pp. 454 (+25 corrigenda; indices), 8°, 54.1-2 (2004), 184–185

Библиографија на академик Петар Хр. Илиевски, 55.1-2 (2005), 23–44

[review] A. P. DAVID, The Dance of the Мuses: Choral Theory and Ancient Greek Poetics. Oxford University Press; 2006. pp. viii + 284, 57.1-2 (2007), 114–116

Gusla: the origin and beyond, 61.1-2 (2011), 49–59

Некои размислувања за мик. pa-si-te-o-i, ’на сите богови‘, Special Issue (2012), 79–86

He was (Gratias tibi ago, professor Petre Ch. Ilievski), 64.1-2 (2014), 7

The Religion of “Old Europe” and the Problem of the Later Development of the Cult of the Sky God, 66.1-2 (2016), 15–23

Written evidence for the Minoan God from Dicte, 67.1-2 (2017), 21–30

Migrants et réfugiés dans le monde Mycenéen. Les sources écrites, 68.1-2 (2018), 25–38 (w/ V. Sarakinski)

Беседa на одбележувањето на петтата годишнина од смртта на академик Петар Хр. Илиевски, 68.1-2 (2018), 216–218

Some Thoughts on the Indo-European Supreme God, 69.1-2 (2019), 11–18

Organon. Tracing the Name of an Unknown Musical Instrument in the Bible, 69.1-2 (2019), 135–142

Dukat, Zdeslav

[review] Albin LESKY, Die tragische Dichtung der Hellenen (Studienhefte zur Altertumswissenschaft Heft 2) Göttingen 1972, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 23.1 (1973), 219–221

[review] ALEXANDRE NIČEV, L’énigme de la catharsis tragique dans Aristote, Sofija 1970, Bugarska akademija nauka., 23.2 (1973), 373–376

[review] C. M. BOWRA, Homer, iz autorove ostavštine izdao H. Lloyd-Jones, u seriji „Classical Life and Letters“, London 1972, Duckworth, 184 str. i indeks, cijena L. 2.95.., 24.1-2 (1974), 365–367

[review] G. P. EDWARDS, The Language of Hesiod in Its Traditional Context, Publications of the Philological Society, XXII, Oxford 1971, Blackwell, 208 str. i indeksi., 24.1-2 (1974), 367–371

[review] JACQUELINE DE ROMILLY, La Tragédie grecque, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1970, 192 str., 24.1-2 (1974), 372–374

[review] HANS DILLER, Kleine Schriften zur antiken Literatur, hsg. von H.-J. Newiger u. H. Seyffert, München 1971, C. H. Beck, 646 str., 24.1-2 (1974), 374–375

[review] HARALD PATZER, Dichterische Kunst und poetisches Handwerk im homerischen Epos, Sitzungsberichte der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main, Band 10, Jahrgang 1971, Nr. 1, Wiesbaden 1972, Steiner, 49 str., 24.1-2 (1974), 375–378

[review] FRANZ DIRLMEIER, Das serbokroatische Heldenlied und Hoer, Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenchafen, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Jahrgang 1971, 1. Abhandung, Heidelberg 1971, Winter, 39 str., 24.1-2 (1974), 379–381

[review] ČETVRTI SEMINAR međunarodnog društva za Homerske studije, Atena 9. i 10. kolovoza 1974., 24.1-2 (1974), 381–383

Parry, Propp and Literary Studies, 26.1 (1976), 149–159

[review] GEORGE H. GELLIE, Sophocles, A Reading, Carlton, Victoria 1972, Melbourne University Press, 299 str. i bibliografija., 26.1 (1976), 260–262

Starogrčki „Roman o Aleksandru“: Primjer antičke pučke književnosti [The „Romance of Alexander“: A. Specimen of the Ancient Popular Literature], 26.2 (1976), 463–486

[review] MICHAEL N. NAGLER, Spontaneity and Tradition. A Study in the Oral Art of Homer, Berkeley – Los Angeles – London 1974, University of California Press, 209 str., 26.2 (1976), 504–508

[review] ALFRED HEUBECK, Die homerische Frage (Ein Bericht über die Forschung der letzen Jahrzehnte), Erträge der Forschung Band 27, Darnstadt 1974, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 237 str., 26.2 (1976), 508–510

[review] W. F. JACKSON KNIGHT, Many-Minded Homer: An Introduction, edited by John D. Christie, London 1968, Allen & Unwin, 170 str., 26.2 (1976), 510–514

Homerska ponavljanja u Maretić–Ivšićevu i Đurićevu prijevodu Homera [Homer’s Repetitions in Maretić’s–Ivšić’s and Đurić’s Translation of Homer], 27.2 (1977), 323–336

[review] ALBRECHT DIHLE, Homer – Probleme. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordhein – Westfalen, Band 41, Opladen 1970, Westdeutscher Verlag, 173 str. i registar spomenutih mjesta iz antičkih pisaca., 27.2 (1977), 477–483

[review] ANNE AMORY PARRY, Blameless Aegisthus, A study of ΑΜΥΜΩΝ and Other Homeric Epithets, Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava, Supplementum XXVI, Leiden 1973, Brill, str. 167., 27.2 (1977), 483–487

[review] KLAUS E. BOHNENKAMP, Die horazische Strophe. Studien zur Lex Meinekianna’, Spudasmata, Band XXX, Hildesheim 1972, Georg Olms, 385 str., 27.2 (1977), 487–488

Vrijednost komparativne metode u homerologiji [Validity of Comparative Method in Homeric Studies], 28.1-2 (1978), 171–178

[review] МICHAEL N. NAGLER, Spontaneity and Tradition. A Study in the Oral Art of Homer, Berkeley (Los Angeles) London: University of California Press 1974, XXV + 236., 31.1-2 (1981), 349–354

[review] G. S. KIRK, Homer and the Oral Tradition, Cambridge 1976, University Press, 222 pp., 33.2 (1983), 224–227

[review] RUTH FINNEGAN, Oral Poetry: Its nature, significance and social context, Cambridge 1977, University Press, 275 str. te bibliografija i indeks., 33.2 (1983), 227–232

[review] BRIAN VICKERS, Towards Greek Tragedy, London 1973, Longman, 643 str. te bibliografija i indeks., 33.2 (1983), 232–234

„Die Hochzeit von Smailagić Meho“: Das Erste Serbokroatische mündliche Grossepos, 36.1-2 (1986), 5–12

Einige Kritische Bemerkungen zu Oral-Poethry Theorie, 36.1-2 (1986), 13–20

[review] JOHN MILES FOLEY, The Theory of Oral Composition. History and Methodology. Bloomington/Indianapolis 1988. Indiana University Press, pp. 170., 40.1-2 (1990), 225–227

Iterati Homerici u makedonskom prijevodu Homerove Ilijade Mihaila Petruševskoga, 41-2.1-2 (1992), 45–57

Albert Bates Lord (1912–1991), 41-2.1-2 (1992), 119–122

[review] EDWARDS, MARK W., Homer, Poet of the Iliad, Baltimore and London, 1987, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 323+biblografija i indeks., 41-2.1-2 (1992), 132–133

Homerski ukrasni ili stalni epiteti u novijim južnoslavenskim prijevodima, 43.1-2 (1993), 67–118

Dušanić, Slobodan

A Roman Inscription from Taurunum, 11.1 (1961), 127–131

Epigraphic Contributions from the National Museum of Niš, 12.2 (1963), 365–385 (w/ P. Petrović)

Τὰ κοινὰ τῶν Βοιωτῶν, 13-14.1-2 (1964), 119–134

Три епиграфска прилога [Three Epigraphical Notes], 15.1 (1965), 85–108

[review] ANNA et JARO ŠAŠEL, Inscriptiones Latinae quae in Iugoslavia inter annos MCMXL et MCMLX repertae et editae sunt. Accedunt corrigenda ad volumen I operas V. Hoffiler et B. Saria, Antike Inschriften aus Jugoslavien, Zagreb 1938, indices, tabulae geograficae duae. Situla, Dissertationes musei nationalis Labacensis V, Ljubljana 1963 (IV + 174 + 52* + две карте + лист corrigenda)., 15.1 (1965), 250–252 (w/ M. Mirković)

Нови и ревидирани римски натписи из источ­ног Срема [Some New and Revised Roman Inscriptions from the Eastern Srem], 17.1-2 (1967), 195–215

[review] EMILIA MASSON, Recherches sur les plus anciens em­prunts sémitiques en grec, Paris 1967 (Librairie C. Klinck­si­eck; 126 страна)., 17.1-2 (1967), 284–286

Кад је основан Мегалепољ [When Megalepolis was founded], 19.2 (1969), 263–283

Нови Антинојев натпис и Metalla Municipii Dardanorum [The Antinous Inscription at Sočanica and the Metalla Municipii Dardanorum], 21.1 (1971), 241–261

Хетероклитичко metalli у натписима рудничког новца, 21.2 (1971), 535–554

Епиграфске белешке [Two Epigraphical Notes], 27.1 (1977), 179–190

Plemićka hegemonia: Politički okvir Demostenovog govora protiv Leptina [The Political Background of Demosthenes’ Speech Against Leptines], 29.1 (1979), 41–71

[review] ANNA et JARO ŠAŠEL, Inscriptiones latinae quae in Iugoslavia inter annos MCMXL et MCMLXX repertae et editae sunt. Accedunt nonnulae ed annos MCMXL–MCMLX pertinentes (praecipue in ephemeride Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku editae), Ljubljana 1978 (Situla. Dissertationes musei nationalis Labacensis 19), 242 str. + geografska karta van teksta., 29.1 (1979), 327–329 (w/ M. Mirković)

Platon et Athenes: Quelques problèmes historiques et archeologiques, 31.1-2 (1981), 135–156

[review] P. PROESCH Études béotiennes, Paris 1982 (izd. Institut Ferdinand – Courby, Lyon, i Éditions E. De Boccard, Paris), X +562 str. in 8°, s osam karata i tabli u tekstu i 20 tabli na kraju knjige., 32.2 (1982), 209–211

Moesia and Pannonia in Domitian’s Last War on the Danube, 33.1 (1983), 13–21

[review] FANOULA PAPAZOGLOU, Les Villes de Macèdoine a l’epoque romaine, Paris 1988 (Ecole française d’Athenes: Suppl. du Bull. Corr. Hell., XVI), XVII + 528 sa 20 geografskih karata., 38.1-2 (1988), 127–131

Osamdeset godina profesora Fanule Papazoglu, 47.1-2 (1997), 7–10

The Administrative History of Roman Mines in North-Western Dardania: A lost document, 47.1-2 (1997), 31–42

[review] INSCRIPTIONES GRAECAE CONSILIO ET AUCTORITATE ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM BEROLINENSIS ET BRANDENBURGENSIS EDITAE, vol. X, pars II: Inscriptiones Macedoniae, fasc. II: Inscriptiones Macedoniae Septentrionalis, Pelagoniae, Derriopi, Lychnidi, ediderunt Fanula Papazoglu, Milena Milin, Marijana Ricl, adiuvante Klaus Hallof, Berolini – Novi Eboraci (Gualterus de Gruyter) MIM, pp. XIII + 262 in fol., tab. I–XL + chart. geogr., 49.1-2 (1999), 227–229

[review] FEDERICOMARIA MUCCIOLI, Dionisio II. Storia e tradizione letteraria, Bologna (CLUEB) 1999, 558 p. (Monographie di Simblos, 1)., 49.1-2 (1999), 230

The Attic ΕΥΧΑΙ of 362/1 BC (IG II2 112, lines 6–12, Arcadia, and the Eleusinian Goddesses, 50.1-2 (2000), 59–71

Мирослав Марковић (1919–2001), 51.1-2 (2001), 76–78

Plato on legislation: two historical aspects of the problem, 52.1-2 (2002), 47–54

Margaret Mary Roxan (1924–2003), 53.1-2 (2003), 58–59

[review] ILARIA RAMELLI, Cultura e religione etrusca nel mondo romano. La cultura etrusca dalla fine del/’ independenza (Edizioni del I’ Orso; Studi di Storia greca e romana. Collana diretta da Marta Sordi), Alessandria, 2003. 215 pp., 53.1-2 (2003), 83–84

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